Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Finally a Blogger!!!

After many times of attempting to try this blogging thing, this morning I woke up and decided I would try it again.  So here goes......I thought to myself if I blog, then I can use this as several different tools.  So here are a few of the reasons I decided to start.

1.  To keep up with the milestones that my children make. 
2.  Record the moments that I hold close to my heart with my friends and family.
3.  Share knowledge / information
4.  Entertain, encourage or inspire others
5.  Because it is something for "ME"

So I am going to try and hold true to my word and update my blog atleast twice a week.  I have a really close friend that bloggs and her page is awesome.  I love reading her updates even though she shares most of them with me on the phone.  She has inspired me to start my blog and now with her help, I can only hope that my blog will be almost as good as hers. 


  1. YAY YOU! I am so excited you have decided to do this...you will be hooked in no time!

  2. I'm glad you decided to do it too! Come check me out so we can keep up with each other!


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